Thursday, September 23, 2010

Early Fall TV Grades

Mad Men: A- (the young actress that plays the daughter, Sally should win an emmy. She is fantastic)

Vampire Diaries Ep 1: A-

VD Ep 2: B+

The Event: A- ( I really liked it, but some reviews were not good. Others panned it saying it’s another “Lost”. Is that a BAD thing??)

Hawaii Five-O: B ( I gave it a chance and did not hate it. Scott Caan was annoying, but not as much as usual. I don’t know if it will be in regular rotation though)

Survivor Ep 1: B- (Notgreat. But most openers are not.)

Survivor Ep 2: A (last night’s was really good. I hope you all watched it)

Modern Family: A (very funny)

Detroit 1-8-7: B (not great, but not horrible. I hope it lasts for the sake of the city. Kind of, “kind of”, like NYPD Blue)

Glee: C ( I don’t know if I can stay with it. The stories, acting and on this episode, the songs were all bad)

Raising Hope: B+ (a lot of potential. From the creator of “My Name is Earl”)

Running Wilde: C- (not very good. Too bad for Will Arnett)

The Defenders (starring Jim Belushi and Jerry O’Connell): B+ … this was a pleasant surprise. I looked at the stars and the premise and dismissed it early on thinking it would get cancelled very early. BUT, I wanted to see this “train wreck”, so I gave it a chance last night and LIKED IT. I don’t know if it’ll last, but it was actually pretty entertaining. I’m sure you’d roll your eyes at all courtroom scenes, but the main two actors were pretty good.

Joaquin Phoenix on Dave: A ( I liked it a lot and really want to see his movie)

Apprentice: Incomplete

Boardwalk Empire: Incomplete

Undercovers: Incomplete

Rubicon: I have officially dropped it. It was becoming a “chore” to keep up.

Tonight is NBC Thursday and Sunday on HBO, Eastbound and Down & Bored to Death.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fall Grid

As many of you know, the sponsors backed out due to "suspicious clicking activity".  Whatever man, I think it was some kind of scam anyway.  But I will not be deterred.  I don't do this for the money, I do it to point out ridiculous concepts for TV shows, to discuss what we should be watching so no one (including me) misses out on anything special, and to recap my favorites.

Every year I put together a small grid of the upcoming fall season and a list of premiere dates.  I send it to a small group of folks, but it was suggested to me to publish it on my blog.  I'm trying to figure out how to attach right now.  I may have to do a copy and paste into a message, but rest assured, it will be coming...

Okay...hmmm...hmmm... for now, here is a list of upcoming premiere dates for the week of 9/6-9/12 (times are Central Region):
Wednesday 9/8 on CW:  America's Next Top Model and Hellcats (7:00 pm and 8:00 pm, respectively)
Thursday 9/9 on CW:  Vampire Diaries and Nikita (7:00 and 8:00)

The DO NOT MISS for the week is Vampire Diaries!

The following week is the big one where most networks bring the onslaught of their premieres.

Check back soon!